Introducing Fennec Stash

Exponent is creating a next generation Web3-native application that enables teams to coordinate and manage their assets in a risk-conscious manner. Our suite of tools aim to simplify treasury operations while allowing teams to retain transparency, security, and functionality at the highest capacity.

Challenges of Treasury Operations

Coordinating, executing, and monitoring treasury decisions is cumbersome and time intensive. Yet a well-managed treasury is crucial to the long-term success of any organization. To comprehensively run a treasury today, organizations have to build up in-house fluency in asset and risk management, and put in place operational and security practices to execute. These capacities are often not available in-house. Building them up requires not only adding resources but increasing the surface area on operational, business, and community management.

Enter Fennec Stash

Fennec Stash is an Automated Capital Allocation & Risk Monitoring solution for Web3 organizations, DAOs, and investment clubs. Fennec Stash is built with a few objectives in mind:

  1. Simplify and Automate – Create Infrastructure to reduce engineering and operational risks. Assign rules and third party roles, as well as automate emergency actions.

  2. Individualize – Allow users to adjust vault and strategy parameters to meet their objectives.

  3. Trustless and transparent – Non-custodial, on-chain execution that you control.

  4. Risk managed – Dedicated dashboard, risk-monitors, and notification systems to help users remain vigilant about all treasury activities.

  5. Gnosis Safe integration: Connect your multisig directly from the Gnosis Safe UI.


Fennec stash simplifies treasury management to ensure that teams have the means to operate and fund a treasury in a secure, trustless and transparent manner. Product features include:


Infrastructure built on top of Gnosis SAFE that allows for role delegation and permission settings. The key design goals for the vault include:

  1. Removing capital deployment frictions for organizations without sacrificing control.

  2. Minimizing the risk of principal-agent problems through use of contract-level validations.

  3. Retaining future compatibility with constantly evolving DeFi protocols

Teams, for instance, can delegate a third party manager to carry out specific transactions with a single wallet and revoke this privilege at any point.

Reach out to us to set up a vault. Deposit, withdraw, and monitor your treasury activities here.

Capital Allocation Strategies

Exponent offers strategies that provide safe stablecoin yield for risk-conscious organizations. These strategies are developed based on the principle of:

  • Principal protection – Risk management measures are implemented that prioritize safety.

  • Risk-adjusted yield – Vault autonomously rebalances across different lending markets to optimize returns.

  • Instant updates – Users can seamlessly enable, disable and update strategy at any time.

Users can deposit USDC into their Fennec Stash Vault and choose to enable or disable these strategies at any time. The two strategies available today are:

As market conditions change, the contract automatically rebalances between sources to optimize yield.

Risk Monitoring & Alerting System

Our risk management solution provides clear risk parameters to protect funds, track market exposure, and manage market volatility. Risk-adjusted return capital allocation strategies (mentioned above) diversify stablecoins across different lending protocols to provide a solution for long-term yield. The risk monitoring systems accompanies each strategy: Safe Dollar Yield and Pool Dollar Yield.

What’s Next?

Fennec Stash is the first Exponent end-to-end solution for treasury automation and risk monitoring. Looking forward, we will be adding self-service solutions for vault configurations, risk monitoring dashboards, and much more.

We’re welcome partners to co-develop products and help strengthen the Web3 ecosystem together. Reach out if you are interested to collab!


Exponent’s software is still in Beta and is under testing. It is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis and is believed to contain defects. A primary purpose of this Beta release is to obtain feedback on software performance and the identification of any defects.


Meet Fennec Async Kit


Web 3 Design: Lessons Learned by Exponent